Senate Reform
Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi

Senate Reform

If the PTI is serious about making a better Senate then it should bring together a cross-section of experts and parliamentarians to provide recommendations on this issue. This is something that both the opposition and the government need to work together on if they want to end the cycle of horse-trading that continues to cheapen our democracy.

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Trump’s Last Stand
Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi

Trump’s Last Stand

Constitutional principles regarding the separation of powers would become meaningless rhetoric if such attacks resulted in zero accountability. Principles that should be above partisan politics. The gravity of Trump’s actions merits a conviction in the Senate, a conviction that shows bipartisan support for higher constitutional values.

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The Art of Blackmail
Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi

The Art of Blackmail

In this province, the state has seldom done anything to establish law and order. Tragedies here are used as an excuse to crush dissent rather than end sectarian violence.

If the state is serious about protecting the Hazara, it can start with creating a clear strategy over addressing these two issues. While it is at it, we can also hope that the Prime Minister learns some empathy. It goes a long way.

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Faith As a Weapon
Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi

Faith As a Weapon

Light the torches; join the mob; kill the infidels.

If national mottos were an accurate representation of a nation, then these words would replace unity, faith, discipline.

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