Faith As a Weapon
Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi

Faith As a Weapon

Light the torches; join the mob; kill the infidels.

If national mottos were an accurate representation of a nation, then these words would replace unity, faith, discipline.

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Green All Over
Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi

Green All Over

Most people, our politicians included, seem to believe that Pakistan is a bastion for religious harmony. Members of the Hindu faith, whose temple is causing such unnecessary controversy, would beg to disagree. They have been the scapegoats for pent-up fury by Pakistanis at the actions of India in the past. When the Babri Masjid incident happened in 1992, the reaction in Pakistan was for mobs to destroy over a 100 Hindu temples in their best impression of our national hero Mahmud of Ghaznavi.

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Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi Op-Ed Hassan A. Niazi

Faith Through Force

Forced conversions are after all a part and parcel of the massive economic inequality that religious minorities face in Sindh and all over Pakistan. With many of them working under bonded labour — South Asia’s version of slavery — the abuse they are liable to suffer is extremely high. They are at the complete mercy of those they work for who freely give them up for forced conversions and marriage. The families of victims have no wealth, no influence, no power through which they can obtain justice. Try getting the police to do anything when you have none of those three.

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