The Hammer
For the dissenting voice in Pakistan, the coloniser never left.
Their instruments for curbing political dissent are always kept within arm’s reach by a state whose insecurities know no fundamental rights, no morality, and no limits.

Today, any state that wishes to call itself a democracy, in its true liberal sense, adheres to the fundamental right of freedom of expression — a human right protected by Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which Pakistan has also committed to in the form of Article 19 of its Constitution.

Thought Police
The Government of Punjab isn’t concerned about educating our children, but concerned with making sure critical thinking is suppressed.
Dissent is Patriotism
To jail and label as terrorists our citizens who are peacefully asking for their constitutional rights is a shameful display of our lack of commitment to freedom. As this injustice grows, the silence of our Prime Minister is the most deafening. There is no justification for this silence. He must support the cause of justice. He must stand against intolerance and bigotry. He must implement a constitutional system where rights are more powerful than their restrictions.
Putting the Media on Trial
In a week filled with ludicrous decision-making by the PTI, its decision to establish “media courts” is perhaps the most ominous. One purpose of the courts, as given by Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, was to curb “unnecessary criticism” of government officials by the media in the name of free speech. From its very inception, this proposal lacks any use of grey matter by the Cabinet. According to Fahd Husain, in his column on Sunday, it seems like a close associate of the Prime Minister took some criticism from a television host a bit too personally. Therefore, prompting a decision of the Cabinet on the issue.
We Are Not Free
A country will never value free speech just because it exists in the constitution. Free speech must be developed as a culture. It must start from childhood when children ask their parents and teachers uncomfortable questions. Only when the next generation sees people debating and talking about multiple different views, without punishment, will this culture develop.